At Superplus we understand the importance of protecting younger players which is why we have created this page for you, the parents. Here you will find various information about our games and how they operate to hopefully help you better understand what your child can do or see within our games.
All advertisements that appear in our games come from ad providers that help us to deliver suitable advertisements to our players. These advertisements can vary depending on the location of players, browsing history and many other factors and therefore we have no control on the potential ads that may be displayed.
There is the possibility to reset your advertising ID if you think there are ads that are too mature to be seen for your child. You can find out more about these through Google documentation on Advertising IDs.
If you feel your child has seen an advertisement that is inappropriate please feel free to contact us on so that we can ensure it is removed.
If there has been an accidental purchase by your child you can contact our support teams for assistance. However please note that all in-game purchases are final and non-refundable but exceptions can be made so we suggest following the guidelines below to set up parental control to ensure it does not happen in future.
If you want to ensure that your child is unable to make purchases within the game then it is highly recommended to put on parental control. This comes in the form of password protection or other methods provided by the phone app store. Below you will find the instructions for iOS and Google Play store to activate various parental control features to help ensure no further accidental purchases are made on the account.
Using any hack, exploit or otherwise unintended way of playing the game may result in a ban of an account.
Always ensure you or your child is playing the official version of the game that is downloaded from either the iOS app store or Google Play store. Below you can find the game pages on our website to download the official versions of the games.
Within some of our games there are certain chat functions where people from all over the world come together to play our games. We have a team that moderates this chat to ensure that it remains free of vulgar and offensive language. If you encounter a player who is acting in an unwelcome manner you can either block the player within the game, alternatively you can also send a report to one of the following emails for our support team to help.
If you have any further questions that are not answered above you can contact us on the general support email, otherwise you can find the game specific support emails below.